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Comfort Settings in VR
Written by Ignacio Gimenez
Updated over 12 months ago

As with all VR applications, there is some potential for motion sickness when you use Resolve. While some users are predisposed to motion sickness, most can prevent motion sickness by using the tips below.

Preventing motion sickness

  • Adjust your headset to make sure it fits and you can see clearly

    • Adjust the straps; the tightness of the headset can be adjusted with the side straps, the depth of the headset can be adjusted with the top strap

    • Adjust the lenses; take off the headset and move them left and right to find the best setting for you

  • Use the glasses spacer if you wear eyeglasses

  • Stay seated while using Resolve

  • Work your way up; limit your initial sessions in Resolve VR to 20-30 minutes. In Resolve, you can look at the watch on your left wrist to view the time.

Addressing motion sickness

If you start to feel discomfort while in VR, it's best to take your headset off and take a break. Once you feel comfortable, you can rejoin your VR session and use the tips below to address your motion sickness

  • Teleport to move around your model; avoid flying up and down

  • Put on a fan and aim it at yourself

  • Chew gum or eat a mint or candy

  • Use Resolve’s comfort settings, accessed from the "Content" menu:

    • Set locomotion to “walking” instead of “flying”

    • Slow your movement speed to a comfortable pace

    • Use Blink mode to set movement to an incremental teleport

    • Use Sunglasses mode to dim the screen and reduce brightness

    • Use Tunnel mode to narrow the field of vision

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